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  3. Irl name: david Ingame name: Thorstein Age: 29 Years old Timezone: GMT-3 Average Amount Of Gameplay I am usually always on, I am on 7 days a week averaging around 8 hours of gameplay daily, I currently am almost 40 days play time, most being legitimate hours non afk. I have experience in staff positions and i'm definitely a leader. I've been pretty much anything you can think of when it comes to rsps ranks. I'm slow to anger and quick to resolutions. I grew up in a house of 3 younger siblings and learned a life long skill thats still helps me today.... Patience. I know the ropes and how to do things by the book. I find more pleasure in helping others then doing things for them. My knowledge of runescape is massive i might as well be rswiki. I find my knowledge and the ability to help others is more valuable then anything else i can give. I learned this lesson in Runescape and still apply it to every day applications. Rs/Rsps Experience: I have played Runescape and Runescape private servers pretty much my entire life, i started playing runescape in 2005 and have been playing private servers dated back to silabsoft, so i have a vast variety of knowledge to offer to the table. Any Goals My goal is to gain the respect of the whole community and work towards a better server for everyone, I believe that together we can all make the server grow exponentially.
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